Residential Exterior Painting East Medford, OR
A great paint job is often far more than just a great finished product, it’s the whole customer experience. On this job taking extra care with plants and landscaping was top priority. We also made sure to protect the pool, reroute some messy cables, fix multiple areas of dry rot and maintain consistent communication with our customer. When we leave, it should be like we were never there, except for a beautiful paint job!
- Replaced dry rotted window trim
- Cut bottom edges of garage door trim up from the concrete and sealed to prevent dry rot
- Removed and rerouted tv cables
- Took extra care with landscaping
- Protected the pool from overspray and contamination
Our Prep & Painting Process
- Power Wash Exterior Surfaces Of Home
- Scrape Peeling Paint and Prime Surfaces
- Caulk and Fill Joints and Seams
- Mask Surfaces Not Being Painted and Remove Fixtures
- Gently Cover Nearby Plants & Landscaping
- Paint Siding with 2-coats
- Paint Trim & Accent Colors with 2-coats
- Remove Masking and Clean-up
To view our Exterior Painting Process in more detail, click here.
Ready to Get Started?
If you have a project on the horizon, we invite you to contact us today. With an unwavering commitment to customer care and satisfaction, we’re proud to have become one of the most trusted local painting companies in Grants Pass and Southern Oregon. We look forward to sharing our expertise with you.